Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 9: Reading Diary: American Indian Fairytales

Iagoo, the Story-Teller

·      Saw and heard so much
·      Knew the land and the creatures like no other
·      Always outside
·      His grandfather told him all the tales and stories from way back
·      Had a way with children
·      Pretty shell necklaces for the girls
·      Bows and arrows for the boys
·      Most of all, they loved his stories
·      Answers to all questions from the wild
·      Winter storytime
·      North wind came and howled
·      Children worried about it, but he told them not to worry because he can’t hurt anyone that is brave and happy
·      Iagoo tells a story that leads into next story

Shin-ge-bis Fools the North Wind
·      Tribe of fishermen
·      Best fish found way north where no one can fish in the winter
·      King of the Land of Ice was Ka-bib-on-okka (the North Wind)
·      He wanted no grass or trees ever just snow and ice always
·      He was no match for Sha-won-dasee (South Wind) who live in the land of the sun-flower
·      Where he breathed, flowers would grow and riped the fields
·      He made the earth beautiful
·      He smoked all day until it was his dreamland
·      When South fell asleep, the North swopped in.
·      Nothing could dampen the fisherman’s spirits, though
·      He laughed at everything
·      Cut a hole in the ice and fish with a line
·      He was the “diver” and not scared of the north wind
·      Wanted to brave it out
·      They all left and he stayed thinking they would lever see him again
·      Leads into next story

Shin-ge-bis Fools the North Wind
·      He set out on his own and made sure he had enough fire stuff
·      Snow was deep
·      Could still catch his fish through the holes he made in the ice
·      “Ka-bib-on-okka, ancient man, Come and scare me if you can.  Big and blustery though you be, you are mortal just like me!”
·      North wind took this as a challenge. 
·      Shin-ge-bis has a giant fire that lasted a whole “day”
·      Thought how foolish it was that his friends had left this place so early in the winter
·      He still wanted to take him down because he thought he was a man, just as himself
·      “Ka-bib-on-okka, frosty man, try to freeze me if you can.  Though you blow until you tire, I am safe beside my fire!”
·      laughed when the north wind tried to snow him in and that made the north wind mad
·      shin-ge-bis was egging him and and teasing him to come on in ans warm himself and to not hurt his cheeks
·      the fierce old North Wind began to thaw and he was melting.
·      Turned out to be nothing but a puddle
·      Still very mad, north wind raged on the path
·      Went back to Shin-ge-bis wigwam and wanted to wrestle it out
·      He thought he could still overpower him because his body was warm now. 
·      He just wanted to stay there as long as he wanted
·      They wrestled
·      Ka-bob-on-okka (northwind) was finally conquered by shin-ge-bis.
·      He sped to the way way north when the sun finally rose
·      Cheerfulness and courage can overcome even the north wind

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