Unit: Bible Women: Eve
This story stood out to me because this is the Bible from the very beginning. As a Christian, this story has been drilled in our head from a very young age. I always love this story because it teaches us to trust in God and shows us the importance of obeying him. I enjoyed the language that is spoken in this version of the story because it creates the feeling of authenticity.
Unit: Wonderland: Advice from a Caterpillar
Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favorite books and movies growing up. I enjoyed this story because I always associate Alice in Wonderland with the caterpillar and the cat. This is much different than the movie so it is nice to see another side of this story. This was written over 150 years ago, therefore the diction is a little bit different in this story, as well.
Unit: The Monkey King: Sun Wu Kung
From the beginning, after reading the overview of this story, I loved that this was a story was the ancient Chinese culture. Monkeys have always been my favorite animal so any story about Apes and Monkeys becoming the kind are interesting to me. His adventure through the waterfall and becoming the King of the land, fascinated me.
Unit: Cherokee: How The World Was Made
As a part of the Cherokee people, I enjoy reading about the Indian I have in my blood. This story in particular tells the beginning of the World through the eyes of the Cherokee people many years ago. Now I can compare my beliefs on how the world was made to the way that the Cherokee believe the world was made. From the very beginning of the story, I loved that they referred to the world as being suspended from the sky. There are many similarities to the creation beliefs but there are also many many differences that I have found after reading this passage.
[The UnTextbook]
Oh, you picked The Monkey King! I love this story! It's one of my favorite classics from East Asia, I'm so excited to meet someone who likes it. Have you ever seen the movie (the Chinese one)? It's pretty good. The Monkey King also makes an appearance in The Forbidden Kingdom, which is an American movie with Jackie Chan and Jet Li, it's tons of fun to watch.